Tuesday, August 28, 2007

You need to eat something

while it's good to mind what you eat in order to lose weight, you must be careful not to get too concerned about your eating. If you obsess too much about the calories you're taking, you can develop a serious eating disorder, such as anorexia or bulimia. Dozens of people, mainly girls, continuously post their experiences on the Web talking about how they can go on days without eating much, or eating and then throwing up. YouTube has thousands of so-called 'Thisnpos', advertisements made by people with these disorders trying to convince themselves - more than anyone else - of the apparent 'benefits' of being skeleton-thin. A lack of self-confidence, and constant comparison with role models that don't necessarily portray a real or healthy weight, just make things worse.

Obviously, these people need help. Eating disorders may lead to serious health problems and even death. If you're overweight, establish positive goals for yourself, combining dieting with exercises. And always have medical supervision. Depending on how much you end up losing, how fast and your general perception about yourself, you could shift from an overweight problem to an even more serious one.

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