Monday, August 27, 2007

Walk here and there

Do you want to know of an easy way to slowly start getting more exercise into your life? Do you take public transit to and from work? Then things might be quite simple to start off for you.

If you take the bus, streetcar or subway to work, try leaving a few minutes early to spare you some time during your trip. Then, get off a few stops before where you would usually get off, and walk to your destination. A few minutes here and there certainly don't seem like much, and can even make you feel like you're moving faster than traffic at rush hour. Sometimes you may even walk faster than your bus depending on the traffic congestion on the streets.

It may be difficult for you to do this in the morning if you are usually late, but on the way back home you might feel more at ease with the thought of taking some 20 or 30 minutes longer to get home, only to walk a few blocks at the start or end of your trip.

Quite soon you'll start noticing the difference, and may surprise yourself wanting to walk longer distances day after day. Take advantage of this new found disposition and enroll in other activities to help kick sedentarism out of your life.

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