Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Hard work gives best results

If you're trying to get in shape, you know there are several paths you can choose to follow. Eat less, choose some cardiorespiratory heavy activities or do some strength building exercise. But to achieve the best results, in general the solution is to pursue a balanced approach to the problem.

Going on an extended food deprivation period will certainly make you lose weight. Water, muscles and then the hard to burn fatty cells that were probably the first you wanted to rid yourself of. In the end, you may get sick or too weak a lot sooner than you manage to actually get in shape.

You may also be tempted to try some medication or steroids to build those muscles you've been dreaming about. You may even succeed at first and look like a pro wrestler in no time. But in the long run, this approach will give you so many undesirable side effects that you'll wonder if you weren't better before, as an out-of-shape sedentarian.

Nothing in life usually comes too easily, and getting in shape is certainly no exception. In the end, the best approach is to dose a little bit of everything. It's reasonable to eat less if you expect to lose weight, but remember that even then your body still needs some essential nutrients. Talk to a nutritionist or health professional about your weight losing goals, and set up a reasonable and attainable plan so as to keep focused and encouraged.

Simultaneously, seek the advice of a doctor or personal trainer and set up an exercise plan that best addresses your needs and current conditioning. Take it slowly at first and progress gradually from there. It's usually a good idea to mix some vigorous cardio-respiratory tasks like running, bicycling or simply walking faster with some strength building activities at the gym.

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