Monday, July 30, 2007

Coffee and exercise can keep you out in the sun longer

Exercising is definitely a good way to start increasing your chances of living longer. It helps you lose weight, stay in shape and even feel more alert when you need to or just plain relaxed at the end of the day. Combine your exercise routine with a balanced diet, and you're on your way to giving your body all it needs to reach your golden years.

Physical activity is also a great way to meet new people, socialize and keep away from bad habits. The more time you spend exercising, the less time you will be at home with nothing to do. Thus, the less time you'll have to give in to temptations that live inside your cupboard, like chocolate, cookies or chips.

And now a new study has found out that exercising can even reduce the risk of skin cancer. As long as you combine exercising with the regular consumption of coffee, that is. Well, at least that's what happened to the mice involved in the testing. While they don't come out with the full results for humans, I think I'll become a guinea pig and keep exercising, after waking up with a nice cup of coffee.

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